Celebrate, Happy Re-New Year!

Happy Re-New Year

Happy Re-New Year!!! Continue to give yourself permission to have a great life! No matter how it’s showing up at the moment.

Ah, Yes – a new year is uP-on us and it’s the perfect time to re-new what we truly desire in life.  For ourselves, & therefore, others.  Make that a priority.

Let us also celebrate what’s already working & playing in our lives, to allow it to continue, grow & expand, as part of our self-renewing, accelerating joy.

What a great excuse for a booster-shot to our soul:  celebrate the life we prefer to live, & actually move more into that.  Sometimes, we just need a good excuse, and the new year is the perfect time to re-new ourselves.

Here, we can take any of last year’s crestfallen, acid-stained tears, pulled out of the dreams of last year’s pillow, & bring in new peace & joy, on a larger, continuous, sustainable basis.

So consider this as you re-new you:

Please give yourself the permission to be worthy of spiritual, emotional & financial abundance, prosperity & happiness. That you are worthy & deserving of all good things.  That’s what’s meant by being born into Original Blessing. Doesn’t that feel good, just to read it?  Imagine living it!

Way too often, we are programmed, conditioned & educated to only go for financial abundance & prosperity for our happiness.  Instead, first go for spiritual, emotional & psychological abundance.  In doing so, all these other things will fall into place.

You know, “seek ye first the kingdom of heaven” & all these other things shall be added unto you.  That’s what creates Emotional Millionaires!

Consider this, as a type of new year’s re-newal resolution:  If you work & play on being, say, an emotional millionaire, you move into the feelings first, which you thought you could only get when the money comes in, the right job, or lover, etc.

In being & doing so, all those other things come as a natural by-product.

Original blessing gives us permission: we are already deserving & worthy of all good things. Old-school theology more often prevents it.

Sometimes, it’s so ingrained in us that we are not deserving & unworthy, that we are unconsciously preventing life’s goodness to flow into our lives.  So, we can start by giving ourselves permission that’s it’s very okay to be deserving & worthy of good things, as our new year expands before us.

Love yourself enough to consider this, as this new year unfolds.  Love yourself enough to know that: God/Life/the Universe, however you choose to define it, is way BIGGER than any of us realize.  God, Life, the Universe has infinite resources & solutions, yet unseen with which to bless all of us.

We wisely don’t abuse these resources, but instead celebrate them in the gratitude & appreciation that awaits us, as we airdrop the burden of unworthiness & undeservingness behind us forever.

Give yourself permission to be worthy & deserving of all good things and super-glue this to your memory.  Because you love yourself enough to do so.

Then, as we allow this, watch the magic happen.

What do you think? I value your thoughts & comments.


NEW FEATURE!  free spiritual workshop notes:
Skywriting Across The Universe
uPdated weekly!

Markoworld Playshop notes


Increase your compassion threshold, it’s the universal fabric softener advanced spiritual travelers use.  Don’t leave home without it!

Synchronicity is the time I like to set my watch to!

Compassion and Appreciation are just dripping & oozing with absolutely super brilliant ultra exponential potential for individual and planetary transformation. Exploit them in glorious abundant gratuitous advantageous celebration!


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The New GIGO For The holidays

Appreciate, Celebrate, Enjoy

Appreciate, Celebrate, Enjoy

Make every day a Thanksgiving holiday, or a holy day of appreciation.  We have a new motto for the holidays, Xmas, the uPcoming new year & beyond.

You’ve heard of GIGO, Garbage in, garbage out?

It is now turned into Gratitude in, Gratitude out.
That is the new GIGO!

Magical holiday blessings.

NEW FEATURE!  free workshop notes:
Markoworld Playshop notes constantly uPdated.


“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” -Eckart Tolle

“Life is a waterfall of Love & Creativity waiting to express itself through you.”

Be thankful in advance for all the good you deserve.

Be thankful in advance for all the good you deserve.



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Technology that predicts the future

Image credit yourdigitalspace.com

Image credit yourdigitalspace.com

I wonder if anyone knows of someone who has committed violence or murder that meditates on a regular basis?
I’m guessing probably not. Markoisms

Okay on with the blog.

Whether it’s Syria or rebels using chemical weapons on its own people, or mass shootings, over- fishing our oceans, to say nothing of our global pollution, continuous wars & violence, crime, economic inequality etc. we long for peace & release of soooo much world turmoil.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was technology to predict the future so we could prevent things from even happening before they occured?

While that technology does not exist on this planet, as far as I know, there is still hope in looking at technology and predicting a very hopeful near future.  How’s that???

Unlike technology, our mental, moral, psychological, spiritual evolvement has not advanced as fast as technology.  Let me give you an example.

The iphone only came out in 2007 & the ipad only 2010! 
That’s only 6 years for the Iphone & only 3 years for the ipad! Whew!

They have totally revolutionized life on this planet. Currently there are over a 1.5 billion smart phones out there. That’s like 1 smart phone for every 5 people on this planet!   This happened in an extremely short period of time.  Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/15-billion-smartphones-in-the-world-22013-2#ixzz2dnkiYaWh

The very good news & hope, is that while our spiritual evolution has not been near as fast, it may, like this technology, also more quickly occur as people continue to wake uP, and new inspiring ideas rapidily take hold & spread forth in large parts of the world.

We so long for more peace, harmony, more financial & social equality that that desire will effervesce forth in a spiritual renaissance that may increase like nothing ever seen on this earth!

This is very possible & many believe in this possibility & thus the probably arises as a result.

sunset in hands

Imagine that this may be what happens in the next 3 to 10/15 years.  Spiritually the world starts to evolve pretty fast. 

 That’s pretty cool huh?   What do you think?

Please comment below.

Magically, -M

It’s about free falling in love with life as the reason you’re here.

You’re UN-invited to the chronic victims, complainers, awfulizers, & miserableizers party.  Aren’t you absolutely delighted!?

The Universe is the Imaginarium Aquarium inside the living room of God’s art gallery. Want more? Click here: Markoisms

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Do Sci Fi Movies Actually Help Create A Grand Future?


Yes, I believe they do!  What appears as low brow, non thinking, summer, mindless popcorn fun is actually setting us up for something very spectacular!

The fight between good & evil, or rather the transformation from undesired, unwanted outcomes, problems, struggles etc., is seen in things like fantasy movies and comic books, as seemingly lightweight & superficial entertainment.

It’s Life’s sneaky tricky unconscious way to show us & prepare us that we will overcome, survive & thrive our greatest challenges, dysfunctions, global problems of pollution, starvation, disease etc.

For example let’s take the movie “2012”. It is a 2009 American science fiction disaster film, directed and co-written by Roland Emmerich.

Rotten Tomates describes it this way:
“Disaster movie maven Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow) crafts this apocalyptic sci-fi thriller following the prophecy stated by the ancient Mayan calendar, which says that the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012.”

“When a global cataclysm thrusts the world into chaos, divorced writer and father Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) joins the race to ensure that humankind is not completely wiped out. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton, and Oliver Platt round out the cast of this end-of-the-world thriller co-scripted by the director and his 10,000 B.C. writer/composer, Harald Kloser. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi”

What looks like a disaster, fear mongering film, playing on the predictions that 2012 would end in world destruction, was really a metaphor for the destruction of an old way of living, verses our own ability to create the future.

So take this as poetic metaphor, that underneath all the hype is our ability to overcome the worse that we fear.

That’s the message of many, certainly not all, but many, of such films. They set up, in the public collective, the conscious, or even unconscious, message that the positive intention can and will overcome disaster, utilizing the guise of a seemingly dumb summer movie.

The intention is to help create unconsciously through entertainment the idea that we will find solutions, overcome & triumph over our world problems.

How we overcome these, the fall out or fall in of our actions, depends on us, of course.  That’s an important point!

Nevertheless, the fascinating thing behind these films, perhaps even beyond the film makers themselves, is a hidden aspect of life that knows we need encouragement and inspiration. A part that knows we can overcome our current overwhelming individual & global problems.

We get this encouragement & guidance in what appears to be superficial mindless movie entertainment.  It goes into the unconscious because we don’t take them seriously.  Here they fester in positive possibility & we don’t even know it!

Old school thinking, institutions, networks are dying or being destroyed just like in a disaster film, and we’re in our own  Godzilla fight to stay alive.

That’s the struggle. That’s the controversy we currently see in many local, world events & politics. Old systems are being destroyed being replaced by newer, better systems. In this sense, many of these Sci Fi movies are intention metaphors of our eventual triumph.

Current summer examples:
Iron Man, Superman, Pacific Rim, etc. are to me are representative, and foretell our victory, using the guise as entertainment.  Of course, there are many more past present & future!

These movies are so wayyyyy over the top that they, again to me, represent the over the topness of our problems of Big Brother Government, our wars, individual & collective dysfunctions, and massive world problems.

These movies can be seen as unconscious metaphors, hiding as proletariat distractions which have truth in them regardless of the manufactured consent of the elite.

The main message I see underneath these movies is our overcoming our problems no matter how overwhelming & challenging.  How we eventually overcome our global issues & problems may play out very differently than these movies, but their inspirational message that we will overcome is very strong & welcomed.

Truth hides in many forms if we look for it. The same for solutions or Soul-utions.  You may never see a Sci Fi or disaster movie in the same light again!

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Magically, -Marko

P. S. See my Movie Meditation idea
Also, It’s summer folks visit Marko World theme park for some more summer fun & adventure!


Also for August 25 a special 3 minute video on peace


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Is World Peace Achievable?

Clean water & clean toilets, like love, are basic human needs.

Before World Peace, World Prosperity, World Harmony, Health, Happiness, etc. & all that other good stuff can be achieved, we will see it first modeled in miniature.

That is, in certain areas, people of  like-minded mentality will start flocking or congregating towards it.

Before the proverbial World Peace, we may first have it in certain areas ~ perhaps first in small islands, villages or towns, or larger cities or countries. Many may start out as intentional communities. Others may be spontaneous.  An example might be when a small city or country models this, and larger cities, countries eventually follow suit.

It may happen spontaneously, or organizationally, or both.

What this does, is to give us a taste, or a contextual field of comparison to experience it in miniature, and this can help us decide what we may prefer to experience as a larger collective.

I’ve not heard of such a place or places yet, but maybe you have?  I do believe there are individuals who do this within their own lives.  This seems more so now, than at any other time in earth’s history/herstory.

Now, if the world truly desired World Peace at this time, we’d put way more education, effort, energy, research & resources toward creating that.  So, on some unconscious, or maybe even conscious level, we simply are not ready or willing for it, and couldn’t even handle it if it did suddenly happen.  Let me give you an example:

Years back, I heard a public radio program where nice,
middle-class couples would take in foster kids, to give them the loving homes they always wanted.  Yet what happened, was that the kids would eventually do things like start fires & create havoc.

I was personally astounded at this!  I thought that kids from a chaotic, dysfunctional environment would love to be in a more financially & emotionally prosperous, peaceful and loving environment.

Yet, what the program reported was that the kids where so used to the negative drama in their lives, that to be moved out of it was kind of a shock, and so they re-created this chaos because that’s what they were used to.  They just weren’t ready or acclimated enough for such a huge change.

I think this can apply to World Peace too.  If we had World Peace tomorrow, we might think it to be absolutely grand; however, we’d be so unfamiliar with it, that we’d go back to creating negative drama again, simply since that’s what we’re used to.

Another example:
Often (not always) people who are too quickly put in certain situations, even desirable ones, are simply not prepared for them. … People who gain fame, wealth, or both, too fast, can have great difficulty adjusting to the suddenness of it all.  People often fair better when it’s more gradual over time.

What do you think?

This is something I think about.  I think about it also in relation to people like many of us, advancing on the spiritual path, who feel our evolution, as a world, is just too slow.

I get that – I feel it too!  The antidote, is to have compassion & love on our unhealed parts or those aspects that are not fully healed.

That does not mean that we can’t be the influencers, instigators, leaders, movers & role models to move this forward.  We can, and this can bring it in more smoothly.

How many people feel deep inner peace?  Or, how many even feel inner peace as a majority of their experience?  If we don’t have our own individual inner peace, how can we expect the rest of the world to?

Many people think there is a point of critical mass, when a certain amount of individuals have inner peace, and it then will spread more quickly, both globally & collectively.

An example of quick, but also gradual movement, is how smart phones spread worldwide. The first iPhones came out June 29, 2007.   People adapted quickly, at least those who could afford them.  Even many homeless people now have cell phones.

I think that as more of us work & play to have inner peace & harmony, and emotional & financial prosperity, this will attract more of that to us.  This will also influence others to find out how we achieved it, and are able to sustain it.

Is this a viable way to look at World Peace?  Will we ever achieve it?  Do we need to?  Is it inevitable, given our evolution?  What do you think?

More resources:  Peace Clock  Global Prayer Project  World Peace Soulution and Find your Peace

Lastly, if this blog, or other articles on this site, reach or touch you in a special way, let me know by commenting below, or email me by clicking “contact” at the far right at the top of the home page, and thank u4 doing so in advance.

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The Frustrating & Difficult Path of the Spiritual Seeker

Compassion is the key

Compassion is the key

It’s one thing to be a cynical, skeptical person about such spiritual ideas as the Law of Attraction ( LOA), or creating our personal reality & co creating our collective reality, that starts at the end of our finger tips & moves to the outer world.

That I can understand.

What’s much harder for people who are on the spiritual path, the seekers, the readers of spiritual books, who go to seminars, webinars, tele conferences, workshops, talks etc. to understand, is why things are not working the way they thought they should or would be working.

The skeptics & cynics have plenty of evidence to prove their own point of view.

“Just look at the world” they say.  Their points of view are apparently self evident.  So a spiritual seeker, a spiritual light worker, or evolutionary or however you might define them, really have their work cut out for them, BIG time!

Further more, these often gentler, kinder, compassionate people in the making, seem to have much more to prove in a world of tremendous ongoing suffering & violence on a primitive planet so full of pain.

To add further insult to injury, they more often than not, find it difficult to confront more aggressive cynical,  skeptical people. Frankly the skeptics & cynics have it EASY!  Thus, the cynics & skeptics are confronting the more Love & Light spiritual messengers who desire peace & harmony.  This makes it difficult for the more gentle spirit to prove the validity of their spiritual point of view when aggressively confronted.

Being on the path with out seeing some results of what you believe, can be really difficult & hard don’t you think?

Explaining yourself, & your beliefs can also be very difficult.  It’s sometimes very hard to articulate the deep feelings of life we have.

This is all part of the struggle & the dark side of the spiritual seekers, who so long for the end of so much suffering & misery.

The push back they receive is tremendous at times!  So I offer all the millions of people who experience this (and at some point may read this) a tremendous amount of love & compassion for what they are experiencing as they move on in their journey.  It’s hard, difficult & at times very dark.

It’s not just trying to work through our own inner struggles, dysfunctions, family issues & our woundedness.  We have a very skeptical, cynical world that can be very, very critical toward these gentle spiritual people who only wish to see & experience more peace & harmony in the world.

WoW! that’s a lot of push back!!  So give yourselves lots of credit!  You are not alone. Millions feel this struggle.  So give yourselves the Acclamations you deserve.


acclamations:  plural of ac·cla·ma·tion
Loud and enthusiastic approval, typically to welcome or honor someone or something.

Honor yourself on this sometimes very difficult journey.  It’s truly the hero’s journey.  Of course, it’s not all darkness and struggle by any means.  Sometimes it can seem like that & that’s what I’m honoring here.  Yes, we celebrate our victories, too! That’s what we are creating & why we are on this path.

Today we honor you and all those brave people breaking the incredible, monumental ,gargantuan, concrete & steel walls of dysfunction, pessimism, cynicism, skepticism, struggle, & pain of the past & present.

Now you are honored & revered for the bravery of working & playing toward a better world of peace & harmony.  A world so very often tremendously filled with dark condemning, soul eating, pessimistic, critical, vitriolic mentalities & people.

I honor you in this moment & crown you with the blessings, gratitude, affirmations, acclamations for your continued work on the spiritual path.

You give me strength, courage in your struggle & difficulties. Thank you for that!

markoworld.com will work & play in your favor, elucidating ways to counteract, soothe, and even heal, as best we can, all the condemnatory energy in the world that can also be aimed at the spiritual seekers.

We are your advocates!

Your work now will not just bless you, but others & future generations!  Thank you from now & future peoples blessed by your being here.

I’m here to tell you, encourage you, that it does get better & better & better. Those who walked the path before me made it easier for me & in turn we hope to make it easier for you. Together we play in the cosmic sandbox of life.

It’s a matter of education, practice & integrating these ideas that we see work & play positively & wonderfully in our life all the time.  Check out the other articles on this site & future blogs for more insights.

But for now, for today, honor yourselves in this moment, (and beyond) for the millions & millions of you who are breaking free of the bonds of yesterday’s limitations into the future of unlimited possibilities & joy that await us all, as a result of y/our journey and continued love.  Life supports you always & I thank you for this as well.  I applaud & salute you all! Take a bow, life appreciates you & your continued efforts.

Applause, for Life's Magic Bullet.

Applause for you & your spiritual path & journey.

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Sacred Earth Sacred People

Our Sacred Mother Earth

Our Sacred Mother Earth

Earth Day: “Earth is a floating pebble on the cosmic beach of the Universe, a molecule inside the body of God.” Markoism

Today is the day we celebrate & remember that every thing in this world that we have & use are from Mother Earth.

Everything! All of it comes from blessed sacred Mother Earth. Our food, our technology, our clothes, our homes, the computers we read this blog on.  Our cars, our cities, space station.

Here’s the secret.  All life is sacred.  Mother Earth is sacred, you are sacred.  All life is sacred.  So why do we continue to waste, to pollute, to defile our sacred earth?  Simple:

Because we forget that we are sacred, born of Original Blessing.

When we forget we are sacred, that’s when we defile Mother Earth, it’s people and other sacred inhabitants. Earth Day is remembering once again, that we, & all life on this planet are sacred.

We, & all life are sacred & we rarely think or see things this way.   We can become too caught up in our daily lives, things to do, work, errands, chores, schedules to keep and on & on & on.

When we learn/remember that we are a sacred people, even, with all our supposed flaws, we will also remember that we are beautifully & wonderfully made. Perfectly imperfect. Everything is perfect, including our desire to change things.

When we remember that we are truly sacred & live in that state of experience we will also treat Mother Earth as sacred.  It’s what gives us life on this spiritual journey we are on!

So, today & this week & beyond, consider seeing yourself, your friends, family, neighbors, so called enemies, people whom you don’t like, relate to or care for, as also sacred.

When we truly see our selves as sacred, we will see others as sacred, & Mother Earth as sacred & thus, Earth Day becomes a day to celebrate our SACREDNESS, & in doing so we will naturally treat Mother Earth, & all it’s inhabitants, with Love, Light & Compassion which are the DNA of sacredness.

You & all life are sacred. Tattoo that in your heart.

You & all life are sacred. Tattoo this in your heart.

We will not defile Mother Earth because, like us, our planet is far far too sacred & beautiful, to not take care of with utmost care, love & delight.

Mother Earth will thank you in ways you/we cannot behold at this moment & you, seeing yourself as a sacred being, who can live perfectly imperfect in this world, will love being a sacred human being in a sacred beautiful world.

Read more on Mother Earth, as our beautiful blue domed cathedral, by clicking this wONEderful short article with Earth Day in mind here: Mother Earth

Magically, -M

Markoisms “Inside the greatest problems & challenges lie the most glorious solutions gifts & blessings.”

As for Gratitude & Appreciation go ahead,– be Deliciously Overindulgent.” Related:See below or click Life’s magic bullet revealed!

Lastly, if this blog or other articles on this site reach or touch you in a special way, let me know by commenting below or email me by clicking contact at the far right at the top of the home page, and thank u4 doing so in advance.

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Life’s magic bullet revealed!

Free Fall into Gratitude & Appreciation & never fear the consequences.

Free Fall into Gratitude & Appreciation & never fear the consequences.

Life’s magic bullet.

It’s hard to believe that there is such a thing, but I believe there is.  This concept is often seen as a magical way to cure something, solve a mystery or a new wonder drug, it’s often used more like a fantasy. However there is one real magic bullet we can use to increase all levels of life enhancement.

Life’s magic bullet is utterly simple, beautiful, & while known to some or even many, it’s gift is tragically underutilized & greatly marginalized in enhancing life.  What is this magic bullet?

Gratitude, which is worthy to be elevated & capitalized. So important to the healing of the individual & even the entire human race. It’s the most simple, elegant, important life tool we have.  Let’s add to this Appreciation as well. Appreciation & Gratitude can seem to be the same thing & they are for the most part.

It’s not for special events, holidays like Thanksgiving or Christmas any more.  It’s for all of the time.

Gratitude is the killer of suffering & unhappiness.  It’s the healthy habit & it’s addictive in a wonderful & beneficial way.

It’s the only Doctor recommended addiction with no negative side effects.

I tend to see Gratitude as the enticing promise that truly delivers & Appreciation as Gratitude sustained long term.  That is why I came up with the term Master Appreciators

Gratitude is so simple & wonderful but, it’s underrated by most. If you are feeling down on any level, starting a Gratitude Journal can immediately bring you uP & keep you upward in your happiness level in a way that is not artificial but always authentic. It’s using the LOA or Law of Attraction in a conscious, purposeful advantageous way. It can be a miracle saver.

I see 3 basic but simple levels of Gratitude.

photo credit physicsoftheuniverseblogspot.com

Image credit physicsoftheuniverseblogspot.com

Level 1) Starting to practice Gratitude on a regular basis.  Starting with a Gratitude journal with the most simple, small things that make you feel good.  Example: Sunshine, a good meal, wagging tail of your dog, a purring kitty, the smile of a loved one, laughter.  Anything that gives you joy, uPlift, inspiration, and beauty.  The list is endless.  Start with any small thing or things you can, and work your way uP to more!

Level 2) Gratitude becomes the reminder tool when things turn sour, frustrating etc.  Now you are using it, not only as a daily practice, you learn to mindfully & consciously use it to replace (but not suppress) frustrations, disruptions, upsets etc.  We can feel those feelings, for however long we deem appropriate, but we don’t have to stay there! We move into Gratitude. This second stage is where we are integrating it more often, & taking advantage of it. We also begin to see & use Gratitude when things don’t seem to work out, because we start to understand that they are actually gifts.

See also: How negative thoughts can be powerful divine motivators to get what we desire even more quickly, click Negative thoughts

Level 3) We start to move from Gratitude to Appreciation! We have benefited sooo very much from the life enhancing benefits of Gratitude that we are feeling it’s effects a lot more.  An example for me is that I will feel good for no apparent reason. This is where Gratitude moves into longer term sustain-ment or Appreciation. “What you Appreciate, Appreciates!”

Now you move into what I term Master Appreciators
where you live in deep Gratitude & Appreciation for very long periods of time.  We never beat ourselves up or get down on ourselves if we don’t constantly feel it.  Even bad feelings can feel good.  It feels good to be sad when our kitty or dog dies. Our sadness honors our love for them. Our waterfalling tears are streams of love remembered & honored.

Don’t marginalize or forget the healing power of Gratitude & Appreciation.  They, along with Compassion, are just dripping & oozing with absolutely super brilliant, ultra exponential, potential for individual and planetary transformation. Exploit them in glorious abundant gratuitous advantageous celebration!

Even if we do this imperfectly, we have compassion on ourselves & others. Then, we move back into it as best we can.

Certainly in great moments of emotional or physical pain, Gratitude & Appreciation can be & seem very challenging. Let’s be honest here, let’s not sugar coat or pour hot fudge over life’s harsher realities.  Here we simply do the best we can, asking others for help in those trying times.  Our past Gratitudinal energies can come together in the form of people, friends, or events that come to help & care for us, & thus we can start to move back into our Gratitude.

Thus we learn & remember to:

Free fall into Gratitude & Appreciation and never fear the consequences!

Lastly, I felt very angel inspired when I wrote Master Appreciators & you can really feel the depth & love of this concept by reading & clicking here:Master Appreciators

In the mean time, have fun & enjoy the pleasures, beauty & depth of the long term life enhancing, enchanting effects of Gratitude and Appreciation. You won’t regret it, ever.

Has Gratitude & Appreciation helped you in your life?  Do you think Gratitude & Appreciation are Life enhancers or just spiritual fluff with little impact?  Share your thoughts, feed back, & experiences here by commenting below. -M

In the News: The Boston Marathon bombing is a deplorable horrible distortion of the inner pain by those involved.  Let us appreciate that it was not worse & to appreciate the choice we have to pour & waterfall love on those physically harmed & those who were involved in the act.  They need the most healing, they are the most in pain.  The Light & Love we can waterfall on this situation creates the vortex of healing & resolution we seek. -M

Magnify your blessings not your problems.

Good news link! Kindness of a banker saves baby ducks from death. Very short video to warm your heart. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=9hnbmml8fOY&hd=1

Lastly, if this blog or other articles on this site reach or touch you in a special way, let me know by commenting below or email me by clicking contact at the far right at the top of the home page, and thank u4 doing so in advance.



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Law of Attraction, acronynm!, new meaning!


Hello friends & world wide travelers of the internet. While Markoworld is currently one of the small, minuscule, subatomic, nano dots on the matrix screen of life, as small as that is now, it’s goal is to be macro-impactful on whatever level it can.  The message is simple & wonderful.

If we do create & co-create our reality in any way, & influence our individual lives as well as the larger world, small or BIG, it’s time to educate ourselves, and the world on how to use this on our behalf in the most advantageous, beneficial, positive way possible.

First with ourselves, then with the world. It’s all in y/our best interest!

A continuous consistent positive attitude about life, even when life appears difficult & challenging, is a more than worthy goal & desire to put into the forefront of our lives. Welding, saturating, imbuing, tattooing, into our lives those positive elements that help & benefit us, without artificially air brushing, using  Cover girl make up or Hollywood special effects, to hide the challenges confronting us.

Instead embrace them & use them as opportunities to move us to where we really desire to go.

As positive as we are, we know that feeling bad at times is not only okay, we can actually enjoy it. Example:

For instance, when we say feel bad & sad because our cat or dog died or any other family, member that’s a good thing!  Because it expresses the love we had for them, & our sadness it is our way to honor our fury friends, & people in our lives who leave their bodies behind for a new adventure.

Okay, the Law of Attraction new acronym meaning.

(This came to me in the shower the other day!)

NEWS FLASH! LOA also stands for:

Loving Ourselves Always—& or All ways
More to come on this inSight in future blogs.

We will also be talking on how to more effectively use and master the ways the LOA works & plays in our everyday lives.

In my next blog I will dare to reveal the ultimate “magic bullet”  The one “single” tool you can instantly use to raise your level of attraction energy.

All spiritual masters use this tool all the time! No exceptions.

This magic bullet will manifest uPgrade & supersize the happiness, peace & joy quotient exponentially in y/our life!

When you are doing this being first, the money, and the goodies will follow effortlessly as a by product & afterthought.  You will be able to tell right away that this is something you can use the rest of your life!  Stay tuned!

Then we will follow up on that & talk about how the masters do and sustain it all the time!  WoW!

Whew, this is uber Exciting!!!! -M

LOA  inSIGHT: The Law of Attraction has the word Action in it. This is all done on the circuit board of humanity known as; taking appropriate action on our dreams & desires. For ourselves & the world.
Until next time:

Live magically so others can too! Through your loving fun, magical influence.  That is: In “Flu” ence others with your magical love virus!

Or, “Love”flu”ence! ” WoW!  Should I make that into a T-shirt?  Please leave your feed back on this blog or about this website.  Your feed back is important!

P.S. Cool Newz to WoW you! & other cool links.
Touch screen phones allow you to actually “feel” the texture of fabrics!
Real “touch” screens and tasteful computers: IBM predicts

Utah’s naturemade subway rideGrindTV.com

Bucket List: Capturing light, color, and texture in Antelope Canyon


Influencing the entire gallery of humanity in any way we can.

Lastly, if this blog or other articles on this site reach or touch you in a special way, let me know by commenting below or email me by clicking contact at the far right at the top of the home page, and thank u4 doing so in advance.

Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

markoworld.com blog introduction

Waterfall Light & Love to yourself and all Life. This is a joyous way to enhance the reality we live in.

Waterfall Light & Love to yourself and all Life. This is a joyous way to enhance the reality we live in.

Welcome world~wide surfers of the internet!

Marko World is delighted to begin a new blog, which will be of interest to millions of readers who desire to grow spiritually, to change their lives & the world for the better, while having fun doing so.

We will explore the deeper aspects of the Law of Attraction (LOA), the impact of advancing technology, new discoveries and current events, while creating, improving, and raising the healing energy vibration.  This will usher in our individual and collective desires/dreams as fearlessly & wondrously as we will allow.

Our practice here is to pour, waterfall, and overlay our most loving, creative & compassionate thoughts and feelings, as often as we can. This is directed toward ourselves, others & the world, “to infinity & beyond”.  :-)

From that space of energy & living, we work and play to solve seemingly overwhelming problems, be they individual, local or global. We also amplify & enlarge the good we have, and expand it!

Thus, we get out of the energy of the problem, & into the energy of the solution.

All of our current beliefs of God & Life are not necessarily wrong, but certainly incomplete. There are gaps to close, blanks to fill, ideas to leave behind, that no longer work or play in our favor.

Marko World will work & play hard to be y/our guide: from struggle to Original Blessing.  We can change the world through hard work, disguised as fun!

We will work & play at un-doing the dysfunctions of God & life, and move toward living inside the solution, not the problem.

Life after all is not suppose to be a struggle but a blessing.  That is, Original Blessing which you were truly born into.
Life is overflowing & cascading blessing if we be allow & look for them.

Life is overflowing & cascading multifarious blessings, if we simply look and allow them to appear & be experienced.


P.S. New blog post coming end of March!

If you see this planet & life on earth as one of pain and suffering, I can understand how you can come to that conclusion.  I don’t think it’s a healthy or beneficial conclusion, you just are listening and being influenced by sources rooted more in old school original sin theology and life philosophy rather than “Original Blessing”.

P.S.S. Very cool art video with simple idea.  Have some fun & watch this short 3 minute video:
Man walks backward, video goes forward | The SideshowYahoo

Lastly, if this blog or other articles on this site reach or touch you in a special way, let me know by commenting below or email me by clicking contact at the far right at the top of this page, and thank u4 doing so in advance.

Posted in Uncategorized | 12 Comments