Your inner kitten/puppy

Get in touch with your inner kitten & inner puppy.–Photo credit

The spiritual psychology of your inner kitten/puppy explained

Most of us need to show more love & compassion to our hurts, our perceived imperfections, and the faults of our humanness, as we grow & integrate into our grander potential.

So, get in touch with your inner kitten or inner puppy! I mean, doesn’t almost everyone have love, empathy and compassion for a kitten or puppy?  Find that compassionate nature towards & within yourself, whenever you find yourself overly critical of your own faults, hurts & imperfections.

Yes, everything is perfect, including your desire to change it.

So, if you have a hard time showing love & compassion for yourself, it’s time to get in touch with your inner kitten & inner puppy ~ that part of you that is vulnerable, lovable, desiring of warmth, love, happiness and a good home life.

Sometimes, it’s easier to have this love & compassion for others, but not for ourselves. ~ That’s why it’s helpful to get in touch with that inner kitten/puppy.

Give yourself the love & compassion you wish you had received from others, your parents, guardians, friends, etc.  In being and doing so, this expression of self-love eventually is seen & experienced more with ourselves, others and the world.

Love and have compassion on yourself, just as you do for kittens & puppies.  They reflect the lovable parts of ourselves that we sometimes neglect, ignore or refuse to acknowledge.  So, start getting in touch with, and embrace, your inner kitten & inner puppy today! -M

See also Compassion Exercise

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Meditation Bonus Tips for kitty & doggie lovers:

For all you millions of dog lovers/owners consider practicing what I like to call “The Walking Your Dog Meditation!”  Dogs need & love to walk with you, and you need it, too, to get outside (away from the computer), and to exercise with your fab furry friends. As you walk, use it as a meditation practice at the same time.

By the way, I HIGHLY recommend you use a harness on your dog/cat, not a choke collar, or even a regular collar, if you can avoid it. … Using a harness is a much more gentle, compassionate & humane way to treat our beautiful 4-legged angels!

Cat lovers can practice “The Cat In Your Lap Meditation”  or “Petting Your Animal Companion Meditation” ~ it’s good for you/feels great to your animal companion, and helps their circulation/helps keep your blood pressure in check.  Double blessings, win-win! :Bravo,clapping

Just remember, though, that if your method of petting is too mechanical, or is done in an absent-minded fashion, they may get a bit annoyed & irritated.  Instead ~ work & play to be present with them, and at peace, which is the whole point, right?

One more tip:  Brush your best friends once a day, even if only for a short while ~ they just love it, and there will be less shedding for you to deal with!

Kitten wisdom: More purr, less hiss.
Puppy wisdom: More wag, less bark.

Think Pawsitive!!!   photo credit


Final Bonus Round Question

One more cosmic- esoteric- existential question & answer as to why we might be here in this physical existence!

Image credit

From an Abraham workshop:

Why Do Dogs Stick Their Heads Out Of Windows?

Guest: I kind of promised I wouldn’t ask this question. (I’ve mentioned it to people and they said, “Oh, don’t.”) But, this is a quick one: Why do dogs risk getting bugs in their eyes by sticking their heads out of car windows?

Abraham: Well, tell your friends that you have given us an opportunity to give the answer we have been waiting a very long time to give. And that is, because the contrast of the bugs in the eyes is a small price to pay for the exhilaration of that ride. And it is exactly the same way you felt when you made the decision to come into this physical existence. You knew there would be contrast here, but you said, the ride is going to be worth it!

Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, July 30th, 2005

In 1985, Jerry and Esther Hicks began dialogs with Abraham, a name chosen by a group of nonphysical teachers, who deliver an inspirational message of joy and well-being.

©1997-2007 Abraham-Hicks Publications.


Your beauty is still there to appreciate, even when you don’t see it, it’s still there.

2 Responses to Your inner kitten/puppy

  1. This is beautiful and very meaningful. Our world needs more of this!

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;P :wub :wink: :twisted: :rolling my  eyes :rofl :pals :oops: :lol: :joy :idea: :hug :hmmmn :ecstatic :cry-sad :arrow: :Youre 2 much! :You rock :Wow! Holy Sh*t! :Wink :Thumbs up :Thumbs down :Respect :Must see movie :Mellow :Mad :I rock :I dont know :Huh? :Hmmmn :Happy dance :Group hug :Grinning ear 2 ear! :Green with envy :Gosh-Ah gee! :Frustrating! :Feeling good! :Cool :Compassion & Love :Cheers :Bravo,clapping :Big Smile :Awesome! :At peace - Meditate :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :) 8)